core values

core values


The purpose of Hawx Sales is to help individuals become their best version of themselves focusing on character, wellness and financial freedom.


“I believe fundamental honesty is the keystone of business.”

– Harvey S. Firestone

Beyond building trust with colleagues through honesty, building trust with customers is the easiest path to increased customer retention and organic growth through referrals. Championing honesty adds value and helps Hawx stand out. Honest people are confident, and honest companies succeed.


“Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to the result.”

– Bob Proctor

Accountability is an assurance that an individual or organization is evaluated on it’s performance or behavior related to something for which it is responsible. At Hawx, we hold ourselves to a high standard of accountability not only internally, peer-to-peer, but to our customers, who deserve transparency through our accountability in the services we provide.


“I learned how much success in any field depend on persistence, not fearing failure, and getting others to follow your ideas. What better way could there be to acquire these essential traits than by actually hitting the streets?”


“The thing that keeps a business ahead of the competition is excellence in execution.”

– Tom Peters

Our overarching aim at Hawx is excellence. Excellence is the supreme quality something can have. It means reaching the highest state. The ancient Greeks equated excellence (areté) with virtue and considered it the proper goal in life. We agree. Excellent people take the action necessary to realize their full potential. Excellence doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time. It also takes the right environment. Like seeds, which only grow to their full potential in the right soil, people need the right culture to blossom. This is why we believe in fostering a culture of excellence. Just as a rising tide lifts all boats, fostering a culture of excellence lifts all team members.

Growth Through Innovation

Hawx Pest Control

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